The Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre was founded in 1964 to rehabilitate orphaned Orang Utans. The site consists of 45sq. km of protected land at the edge of the Kabili Sepilok Forrest Reserve. The facility provides medical care for orphaned Orang Utans as well as other wildlife species including sun bears, gibbons, sumatran rhinos and the occasional injured pygmy elephant. At the Centre, a buddy system is used to replace the natural teaching of a mother, by pairing a younger Orang Utan with an older one to help develop the skills it would need to survive when reintroduced into the wild. The Centre believes that the message of conservation must be spread and it is open to visitors daily. Guests are encouraged to visit during the feeding times (at 1000hrs and 1500hrs) everyday. We do two options of this excursion: The one day version involves flying from Kota Kinabalu–Sandakan in the morning, and then flying back to Kota Kinabalu in the evening.
This tour package requires minimum 2 persons.
Overland journey on gravel road to Danum Valley Conservation Area to explore the largest protected area of lowland dipterocarp rainforest in Sabah.
Visit Sandakan wildlife conservation centres and travel to Kinabatangan for a river cruise in search of birds and interesting wildlife within their habitats.
Travel to Selingan Turtle Island to watch turtle landings, visit Sandakan wildlife conservation centres and join safari for sightseeing at Kinabatangan river.